I've always been raised to respect my elders,nothing resonated more in my life as a child then to hear this from my parents,who's parents was my grandparents whom I loved dearly.My life has been enriched even more knowing that I'm giving back by volunteering my time effortlessly to those who have sacrificed for their families as well as Mines & many others.As the elderly population has increased it's our responsibility as a community not to forget those who have paved the way relentlessly for the next generation by showing them some respect.
These are simple mannerism that should be taught from the beginning on how to respects your elders:
These are simple mannerism that should be taught from the beginning on how to respects your elders:
- Address them properly-Use their name if that is what they agree to.Always use Mr. (Or) Ms.
- Shake Hands-When greeting or meeting for the first time always shake hands,a simple gesture shows you have manners
- Make eye contact & smile-when approaching or greeting your elders,always make eye contact.It not only shows you acknowledge their presence it shows respect.Smiling also may make their day brighter.
- Speak clearly-Keep your voice clear where you can be understood & speak louder so the person can hear you.
- Offer Assistance-When elderly person is entering an entrance always hold the door & allow them to go first.If something is at high reach, get it for them.Pay attention to the disability as well making sure to give them a seat to sit down.It not only makes their lives easier.It would be greatly appreciated.
- Give your time & attention-Most elderly love company & enjoy conversations on many topics.Play board games with grandparents or other elderly person and show you care.They also love to watch movies.
- Show Your Love-The elderly person could be a grandparent,aunt,uncle,parent,or other family member,show them that you love him or her.A great way to connect is to ask about your ancestors & offer to make a memory scrap book to learn about them & discuss their life experiences.Teach your children how to behave among elders.
- Show Good Manners-Most elders was taught good mannerism when they was children,and deserve respect, such as,"Please" & Thank you".They expect us to follow their lead by respecting those who came before us.